Who We Are
In 1969 we started the college with 148 students, among them 65 were in Arts faculty. In 1970-71 due to
financial crisis our affiliation with university was cancelled.The future of the institution was very
uncertain, 10 teachers, 04 peons, 04 clerks were also jobless, students had to seek admissions elsewhere.
University asked for refund of deposited amount. But like a ray of Late Shri Mohankaka restarted the
college with great courage and zest in favor of supporting thousands of Adivasi students of this tribal
belt. Late Shri Mohankaka mortgaged his property and belongings to reopen the college. It was his inner
strength that rejuvenated the spirit of the institutions. Though not with us in physical presence he is
spiritually constantly by our side.
The Manibhai Ranchhodji Desai Arts and Esmail Esab Laher Kosadia commerce college, well-known as M.R. Desai Arts and E.E. L.K. Commerce College, Chikhli, is first of its kind established in tribal belt. We are a unique institution of higher education that provides relevant and meaningful educational opportunities to tribal and non- tribal students. The college is managed by the Vimal Uchchatar Kelavni Trust.
We have campus in 482129.41 sq. ft. Net total area with lush green cricket ground, post- independence area infrastructure, hostel building, staff quarters, courts, play-fields and gardens. We have courses like Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Computer Applications SF on the same campus, these are our contemporary endeavors. Bachelor of Science course was suggested to us in first cycle of accreditation and we have fulfilled the same. Thus the concepts of sovereignty, self-determination and educating the tribal community are inherent in our approaches to teaching – learning and holistic development of students that integrate economic, social, political growth of the Nation.
Our aim is to make quality education affordable and accessible to tribal and non-tribal students of our area. We have UG to PG level courses including M.Phil and Ph.D programs in faculty of Arts and Commerce, Science and Computer Application.
The institution holds a vision to be leading source for education, workforce training, economic, physical, mental, intellectual and social and the spiritual development of tribal and the non-tribal population. This is a post- independence undertaking of Vimal Uchchattar kelavani Trust, to educate and uplift the status of educationally, economically and socially deprived people of three talukas on tribal belt, namely;
- Vansda
- Mahuva
- Chikhli
Our vision is translated in our actions.We are heading towards our goal slowly and steadily with firm steps. We are affiliated to Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, so we have to follow the curricular patterns decided by the university. We follow the „Choice Based Credit System‟ with cycle of two semesters per year in graduation course of three years. For Post- graduation, we have four semesters in two years.
To keep in pace with the fast changing global trends the syllabus is up-graded in rotation of three years by our Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. Our faculty members are members of „Board of Studies‟ at university, in this way we are the part of curriculum framing. Our faculties have been resource persons at 'Sandhan'- BISAG programs.
We offer six UG programs in Arts and one UG program in commerce. We have three PG programs. We have started UG program in English honors to cater to the need of our area. We arrange remedial coaching for slow learners under various schemes availed to us by UGC. Coaching for competitive exams like NET, SLET, GPSC are regularly organized on our campus. We have able senior faculty, who focus on capacity building of our tribal students.
The Progression of under-privileged tribal belt and holistic educational approach can prepare the real agents of social & economic change. They can effectively respond to the challenges of global demands. In imparting such education curriculum plays a vital role, so within given framework we make ardent efforts for:
- Preparing our tribal & rural students to meet demands and challenges of future.
- Developing basic skills of learners, inculcating character, personality and qualities of leadership.
- Developing social aptitude, environmental awareness and value orientation among learners.
- Ultimately we aspire to give to the society and Nation, committed citizens and motivated individuals.
Change is an important element of curriculum dynamics and we have to study and manage change on national level for a better future. In order to cope with change and the emerging problems, we have to accept a contemporary and proactive conception of problem solving in a life-long learning process, predicting future problems, thinking of their solutions and the actualization of these processes for the betterment of individuals, society and culture and our Nation as a whole. We know that curriculum is an expression and a product of the society and can contribute to progress of the society and the Nation.
To put it in Swami Vivekananda words while learning, “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. Books are infinite in number and time is short. The secret of knowledge is to take what is essential. Take that and try to live up to it.”
We have already mentioned that we are given fixed curriculum and formatted syllabus by the University we are affiliated to. Even then our preparation is in accordance with basic recognition of Swami Vivekananda that education is a – “Man making process”.
The curricular aspects reflect and reinforce the humanistic ideas and liberating values. We deliver the given set of prescribed curriculum in such a way that along with delivering information and imparting knowledge, it aptly expands the understanding of our pupils.
Along with fixed framework of curriculum, we take care to see that we impart scientific aptitude, practical relevance, future vision and moral values in communion with nature as envisaged by great people like Gandhi and Tagore.
We follow the academic calendar given to us by our university. Best methods of teaching – learning process are adopted by our teachers, like ICT, presentations, PPT, charts, discussions, Seminars etc. We arrange extra coaching for the students who actively participate in sports. Our faculty update themselves by participating in seminars, conferences, workshops, and refresher and orientation courses. Teachers maintain teacher‟s dairy and they plan their teaching schedule. Our faculty adopts innovative approaches of teaching- learning by introducing the learners to digital class-rooms, smart board, LCD, projectors, field work, educational tours, industrial visits, small surveys, environmental awareness programs, nature as teacher etc.
In evaluation system we have separate examination section and examination committee at college level. We follow exam pattern of our University. We offer need based B.Sc. and BCA self finance, programs managed by our Trust on our campus.
For, imparting educational opportunities to different sections of the society, unable to pursue education due to their responsibilities and commitments, we have Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Distance learning center.
In a way it is a boon to the students since 1998 to 2016 nearly 7000 students are benefited from our distance learning Center. We have separate small building to facilitate our BAOU learners. We offer 10- UG, 03- PG courses and 19 certificate courses in BAOU study center. In 2013 we had total 1060 students, in year 2014, 248 students and in year 2015, 918 students were there in BAOU study center.
We regularly published college prospects to avail students about the admission process and unique features of the college. We publish annually our college magazine “Vimal” highlighting our results, academic, sports and other student and over all achievements. We have been publishing it since inception of our college. This year we published “Vidhyarthi Pathay” booklet of prayer for newely enrolled students.
True knowledge is not attained by thinking. It is what you are; it is what you become. The whole phenomenon of becoming happens in heart of the institute that is the library of the college. Our college library is named after Maharishi Aurbindo. Our library is learning resource center with computer, internet and photo-copying facilities. We have approximately 46108 titles in our library.
We have facilities for economically weaker section of society, where we issue books for entire year. We subscribe journals, magazines and periodicals. We welcome suggestions from faculties as well as students for reformation and better library services.
We have separate library for our BCA and B.Sc. students. We have IQAC; it charts the activities, monitors the execution and decides the quality benchmarks, in teaching- learning, research, physical facilities and everything concerned with holistic development of our institution.
Research is a culture. Each institute finds its own ways to institutionalize the culture of research. As a tribal area college we believe that we are in progression of building research culture. For institutionalizing culture of research we need good leadership, appropriate management structure, research oriented environment, infrastructure and funds. As an institution we believe that structure of programs, pedagogical approach in teaching-learning process, projects between the terms, co- curricular activities provide opportunities to inculcate research culture.
We encourage faculties and students to pursue research. We offer M.Phil and Ph.D guidance. We have four UGC minor research projects at our credit. One major research project is completed by the head of our institute. The major research project entitled: “Special education program for primary children of Adivasi belt of Uchchhal, Nizar and Tapi District”. The project was funded by Government of Gujarat, while our head of institution was on deputation at Children‟s University, Gandhinagar.
We organized many UGC sponsored seminars and conferences of State and National level after first cycle of accreditation. To name a few-
- UGC sponsored conference on Personality Development for the students of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, 6th – 7th December 2008.
- UGC sponsored State level Seminar on Economic Development and Environmental issues, 23rd August 2008.
- UGC sponsored seminar on Poetics and Literary Criticism, - 20th September 2008.
- UGC sponsored seminar on Indian Women Novelists- 17th September 2008.
- NAAC sponsored seminar on IQAC, Functioning and Formation of Internal Quality Assurance Cell, and 20th - 30th November, 2008.
- State level Conference on Chhayavad Aur Aaj – 25th January, 2010.
- National level Gujarati Sahitaya Adhyapak Sajjatta Shibir – 3rd Sept. 2011.
- National conference on Prayojanmulak Hindi Literature 22nd February, 2015.
- National Conference in Sanskrit Sahitya Mein Yugbodh – 19th March, 2016.
- Skill Development workshop on Entrepreneurship Development with unit of Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, 8th September, 2016.
- National Conference on Education for Holistic Development -13th January, 2017.
- State level seminar on Gujarati Sahitya Ma Daxin Gujarat Na Sarjakonu Pradan -28th January, 2017.
We have rich collection of books in our library; we have computer, printing, internet and photocopying facilities in our library. Our PG centers have able visiting faculties with research aptitude. Our teaching staff is active in publication of papers in journals and books. They participate and present papers at various State, National and international level conferences.
Extension activities keep throbbing by “Sarda Foundation” working for welfare of women and children. We have a project called “Akshay Patra Yojna” where we collect clothes, foods & other life useful goods and distribute it among poor and needy. We have active NSS and NCC units as best examples of our extension activities. We carry out activities of „Red Ribbon Club‟ and „Red-cross‟ society. Our faculty members attend training programs organized by KCG, Government of Gujarat and other such recognized bodies. Students and teachers are motivated and encouraged by „IQAC‟ to participate in research, consultancy and extension activities. It monitors various initiatives, develops networking at all stages, strives for improvement, avails for opportunities, alarms about the threats and asks for advance planning and organized, systematic approach. It encourages teachers to conduct value oriented, student centered activities by moral support, suggestions and appreciation.
In spite of limited funds, economic crisis, lack of autonomy and constraints of affiliation we do not aim only at the class-room teaching or examination oriented approach. We are responsive to the changing scenario of education and gradually we can visualize the changes happening. By developing the culture of research and extension we aim at inculcating and promoting following qualities in our faculties and students.
When global opportunities are in the air, even though we are a tribal college, we can‟t give any excuses regarding our marginal tribal identity. On very grass-root level we have known our strengths and weaknesses in areas of research and extension. We adopt positive outlook towards growth options within whatever framework we have. We have no complains, instead we tend to make optimum use of available resources.
We are aware of the fact that misplaced sympathies tend to lead on misplaced prioritization and the misplaced priorities never allow the holistic process of growth to operate effectively.
We invite expert lectures and arrange talks of renowned scholars and personalities on our campus. By continious and periodic exposure to the best research minds we spread research culture among students. We know that it takes time to develop and sustain a culture of research, it takes time to build mechanism and it takes effort to sustain them and we are always in process to do so.
We shape the campus and the campus shapes us. We believe that the quantum of the infrastructure does not decide the potentiality of the institute, but at the same time we need reasonably well maintained updated infrastructure to keep in pace with the changing times. Since years we have always strived to improve on available infrastructure and learning resources.
Our campus is having a vast area of 482129.41 sq.ft with lush green cricket ground, play fields, basket-ball court, hostels, academic and administrative building, BAOU study center, and gymnasium.
Our play ground / Cricket ground is covering area of 11887.00 sq. ft. Gymnasium is with badminton court, table tennis room, chess facilities with up area of room & much more. Basket- ball court covers 5272.40 sq. ft. area.
We have academic building with airy spacious class-rooms. Total number of class-rooms is 21 in main building. Total number of rooms including, Mohankaka hall, staff rooms, library and offices is 44. We have a spacious hall which covers 2800 sq. ft. area. We have dell lab, conference hall & seminar room. We have separate small building for our BAOU study center, administration block. We have IQAC and UGC offices.
The quality of higher education institution is multi-dimensional. NAAC had issued a set of „Guide lines on Quality Indicators in Library and Information Services‟ to improve the quality of learning resource center in colleges. We are aware of the fact that the quality of library and information services offered in higher education is a serious matter. We organize „User Orientation Program‟ for training students to use the college library resources.
Our building is used for Vidhan-sabha - Lok-sabha elections and various Taluka, Jilla panchayat elections. We arrange co-curricular academic and other activities for the holistic development of our students. We held activities under the „Saptadhara‟ supported by State government, where we promote art, culture, drama and creativity in students. Our NCC unit organizes various camps, a Mega National camp CATC was held in 2012 & 2014, where more than 500 NCC cadets participated. NCC examinations and special training is held regularly on our campus. Our NSS wing is active with two units. We organize personality development & holistic developments workshops for our students. We conduct Yoga classes on regular basis on every Saturday. We arrange lecture series, Yoga camps and study circles. Our Red- cross and Red- Ribbon clubs are also equally active.
We have started IQAC since 2011. We organized a NAAC sponsored National level workshop on IQAC in 2008. We have Grievance and Readdressal unit, Women Empowerment Cell, Campus Beautification Committee, Career Guidance Cell, Udisha Cell, etc.
We plan our budget from the fees that we receive and use it as per the heads mentioned by University circulars. We use the financial and other resources for maximum benefit of our student. To give an example one of our Adivasi student, Miss Sarita Gayakwad who was selected or rather searched by us from her school in Adivasi area. We brought her to college recognized her talent in athletics and we are proud of her National achievements in athletics. We availed her all financial assistance and provided her with special coaching and sports goods and accessories.
We have spacious main college building, well- maintained greenery on our campus. On the whole our campus is having blissful and pleasant ambiance.
Our campus atmosphere is free from noise, smoke, pollution etc, it is having pleasant site and good topography, with simple but well designed ventilated, lighted, airy infrastructure.
Indians are the inheritors of rich tradition of Gurukul which can be traced out from old Bhartiya Scriptures. In our bed time stories of our grandmother, during our childhood we have known about the „Gurukul‟ tradition of Krishna and Sudama. If we have deeper study in our ancient tradition then we discover that „Gurukul‟ had best systems for holistic development of Shishya. These Gurukuls in later period of Indian history reformed into Vidhyalayas that had well-suited simple but organized infrastructure and learning resources. They functioned on the principle of making the maximum out of the minimum resources available. Self- organization and self-service were their main themes. We have to carry forward the legacy of the system we inherited from our glorious past, adapting the changes to keep in pace with the fast changing demands of global system.
We promote student centered culture and not simply a system – centered prototype. The „Quality- Assurance‟ is gaining wider acceptance across the globe. We believe that students being on integral part of higher education community must be seen as partners who are in center of interest of higher educational institutions.
We ensure that students have a voice at all stages as they are the primary source of transformation. They are inarguably our most important stakeholders and also quality assurance mechanisms. We are aware of the fact that higher education is about the enhancement and empowerment of students, at the same time we have a strong conviction that higher education is about participation in process of learning for transformation.
We publish student‟s information and annual activities in college magazine entitled „Vimal‟. As said earlier first alphabet in Vimal stands for Vansda, second stands for Mahuva and the third stands for Chikhli. Symbolizing the tribal belt and institution established for elevating the status of tribal belt.
Our Vimal magazine constitutes editor‟s word, Principal and Trustee‟s message with annual report of the college, details of results and prize winners of various activities conducted in the college throughout the year. It publishes articles and poems written by the student‟s glimpses of annual gathering, NSS, NCC, sports, cultural wing etc. It publishes the yearly final audited accounts of the college. Thus it is instrumental in motivating and informing the students about the progress and activities of the college. We have preserved all copies of Vimal published since 1970-71 till date.
We have provision for “Student Aid Fund” we pay fees of student with outstanding performance in sports, cultural academics. We use the fund in case of urgency where, we provide medical treatment to students if injured while playing sports/games. By the activities of „Planning forum‟ we promote the entrepreneurial skill on theoretical level. We invite C.A.s, Bank Managers, Directors of Dairy, and Counselors etc to guide our students. We have insurance of all students enrolled with us „New India‟ insurance company.
We provide counseling to students during admission procedure; we have formed an admission committee on college level. We have also formed a committee to prevent sexual harassment of women. We have a grievance and redressed corner. We have (SF) BCA course on our campus where students acquire computer skills, for other students we have computer cell-network resource center. We offer short value added courses in BAOU, our regular full-time students can apt for same along with their graduation. For holistic development of our students we give utmost importance to sports. To encourage participation of the students in sports and games we take regular measure like:
We encourage our students to display their creative work, poems, paintings etc on display boards in the college. We carry out activity entitled “Khusnuma Zindagi”. We publish “Vidyarthi Pathay” a prayer booklet for students.
Election of student council is held every year according to the guidelines of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. General Secretary is policy decision maker in the council. This develops leadership qualities in students. We have student‟s representation in finance, gymkhana, cultural, debate, tourism, planning forum & magazine committee.
We collect feedback on campus, library, sports, overall teaching-learning process and „My Journey at MRDesai Arts and EELK Commerce College.‟ We evaluate this feedback, forward it to our Trust and introduce reforms accordingly in physical facilities, teaching-learning etc.
Our NCC activity is also quite remarkable many of our students are recruited in Indian army with the support and encouragement of our NCC officers and staff. Government scholarships are regularly availed to our SC/ST students with support and efforts of our diligent administrative staff. We also provide them with food bill under the provision of government scheme, the beneficiaries are the boys staying in the hostel.
The college which started with mission of educating tribal belt initially within 10 years of its establishment in 1978- 79 the strength of Adivasi students rised to 19% of total strength in 1979-80 it rised to 40%. From total strength 82% students availed scholarships and free education. We executed our mission and vision of educating and tribal through our actions and plans. For students support we started PG Hindi from 1973, PG Sanskrit from 1990, and M.Com. from year 2002.
In 1969 we had 45 SC/ST tribal students; in 1983-84 it rised to 801 i.e. increase of 750 students. In 1991-92 numbers of girls 1384, number of boys 1289 total strength 2673. SC/ST students in 1983-84 was 750, in 1984-85 it was 930.
Total number of girls 35 during inception of the college in 1969 in 1984-85 number of Adivasi girls SC/ST rised to 967, it showed a kind of revolution.
This was actualization of our mission of educating the tribals.
We received financial assistance from UGC for student support under „Remedial Course Scheme‟ Rs.100000/- in IXth plan. We received Rs.34680/- under same scheme in Xth plan. In XIth plan we received Rs. 600000/- under the scheme of colleges with relatively higher proportion of SC/ST. We have strived to obtain maximum UGC financial assistance for benefit of our students.
We know that the successful institution has one major attribute that is effective instructional management. The best plan, policies and practices are destined to fail, if they are not backed by proper administrations. It is believed that public service organizations are “institutions” in some regards like business firm and therefore are equally in need of management. We believe in team endeavors and our efforts are always directed towards it. All have equal involvement in the activities of the institution. We do not insist planning from the top but we start from the root as we intend to grow steadily and healthily. We are not sectional but our approaches are always integrated.
As per our vision and mission we impart educational opportunity to students of deprived, remote, Adivasi tribal students. We aim at holistic development of our students. We train them to be the responsible and noble, disciplined citizens of nation. As we are aware of the fact that good leaders and managers including teachers make good institutions, good institutions make good students, good students make good citizens and good citizens built great nations.
We ensure that our vision and mission are in accordance with the higher education policies of State and Nation. We educate to create skilled, creative, responsible and sensitive work force. To transmit the aspects of our living culture, to support citizenry that participates responsibly in community affairs including public governance and to inculcate values in our pupils to care about our country and the world. Our vision and mission is translated into activities as we educate the tribal belt, our admission and evaluation policy is transparent, we have developed research culture. We have well functioning NSS and NCC units for boys and girls. Our student union and departments plan and execute activities. We conduct various activities directed by state government, via Swarnim Gujarat.
We are active in community services through Red-cross, NSS, NCC. We conduct remedial coaching for SC/ST students. We have Udisha career guidance cell, our faculties participate in various training organized by KCG. We have facilities for viewing BISAG programs.
From time to time we present ourselves for „AAA‟ (Academic Administrative Audit) conducted by the Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat (KCG), Government of Gujarat. Our IQAC monitors and measures the progress of the institutions. We educate for holistic development of our students even then we face following threats hurdling us to reach our targeted parameters.
As far as governance, leadership and management is concerned we know that institution as an educational unit is a part of larger social configuration, whose needs must be looked after with utmost urgency. We are aware of our SWOT but we are sure that we can meet the challenges by broadening our horizons, developing skill and integrating all those aspects, which have their direct or indirect bearing on human resource. We train our student to be good individuals as to build a better world we need integrated efforts at society, state and national level along with institutional and individual contribution.
We have given designation and duties of campus development officer to our Assistant Professor(PTI). IQAC collects feedback on campus, facilities teaching-learning etc.
A society, an organization or an institution needs leadership more than anything else for it to make a mark. Leadership is defined as an „influencing process‟ where leaders motivate the members of the institution to get their best efforts and achieve the institutional objectives.
Leaders create shared vision and lead the institution towards it, solving problems on way and overcoming obstacles as and when they arise. Leadership is not about tokens of office; it is ultimately about leading a change for better. It is about providing inspiration to be the „self-starters‟, igniting passion and commitment.
Finally we need to deliberate on “What kind of governance we need in our educational institutions?” The answer is we need professionalism and humanism in all facets of governance of the educational institutions. We need leadership that can play multiple roles. At the intellectual level there appears little doubt as to what we need. The problem lies at the strategies, structure and system level. We need to put the strategies, structure and system in place so that objectives are transparent and visible. We need to promote Indian thinking in education.
- Educating to integrate economic, Social, political and spiritual wellness and holistic development in improving quality of life for tribal and non tribal people of this area
- To provide meaningful and relevant opportunities to people of tribal belt.
- To make quality education assessable to maximum people of the tribal belt.
- Trans forming lives of tribal through learning
- To empower the deprived, remote and sparsely located tribal belt by educating them
- To improve education without distinction of caste, creed and community.
- To promote ICT and start new need based programs in area of globalization.
- To aim at holistic development of students, so make them responsible citizens of nation.
- To provide quality education and innovative learning practices to develop the multi-dimensional personality of students and help them to grow as responsible citizens of society.
- To mould the learners by making them confident and supportive to their family, society and nation with their awareness and access to the latest knowledge.
- To make the higher education available to the students of weaker section of society.
- To impart the knowledge and provide the total environment for building the National character as well as Individual character.
- To enable the students to give society the benefit of their innovative research.